For the postpartum mama
who needs support… you are seen.

Postpartum is such a blissful time, rich in snuggles and filled with love.

It also comes with some challenges- sleepless nights, hormonal changes, and stress on both the body and mind. All too often
mothers do not get adequate time to heal and feel well enough to enjoy this miraculous and fleeting season.

We have created a separate service dedicated to help you to navigate postpartum so you feel your best physically, mentally, and emotionally. Through
proper nutrition, purposeful movement, addressing deficiencies, and adequate rest, all mamas need to be cared for just as well as their new babies.

Did you know….

  • A mother’s brain shrinks during her last trimester. It doesn’t return to normal until baby is 6 months old! Baby brain is real.

  • 60% of a mother’s total nutrient intake goes toward the developing the fetus. Nutrient-dense foods are the way to go!

  • 7 grams of fat is directed across the placenta to baby in late pregnancy. Eat those healthy fats!

  • You need inflammation in order for the placenta to grow properly. However, too much inflammation can contribute to preeclampsia, limited fetus growth, and premature labor. Inflammation can be due to gut issues, hormone imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, and the like.

  • It takes only ONE nutrient deficiency or hormone imbalance to throw off your body. Think of your body as an intricate web of functions.

  • Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, and when depleted, can contribute to anxiety and depression. What depletes this amino acid? Stress.

  • Taken a lab test and told your results were “normal”? Doctors use 95% of their patient lab values as the “normal” range. Thus, lab results are based off a sick population. Your symptoms are real… “common” does not equal “normal”.

Are You Depleted?

1. Do you have “baby brain”?

2. Debilitating fatigue?

3. Insomnia? (or struggle to fall/stay asleep)

4. Sensitive to light/sounds?

5. Since pre-pregnancy, do you have…
-drier skin -bruise more easily
-softer nails -worse vision
-thinning hair -translucent teeth
-receding gums -less elasticity

6. More irritable? Mood swings?

“Yes” to:
1-2: likely depleted
3-4: depleted
5+: severely depleted

Feel your best.
Enjoy this miraculous season.


Get Well - Postpartum:

For the postpartum mama at any phase

  • Four 45-minute consultations spread over 4 months.

  • Personalized health protocol including detailed guidance in: nutrition, recovery, movement and addressing deficiencies.

  • Unlimited email and text support for the 4 months.

  • Option to add lab testing.

$360 in full

Stay Well - Postpartum:

For the postpartum mama at any phase

  • One-time 90-minute virtual consultation

  • Personalized health protocol including detailed guidance in: nutrition, recovery, movement and addressing deficiencies.

  • Unlimited email and text support for the following month.

  • Option to add lab testing.
